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RegCleaner Language File | 2001-08-18 | 4.6 KB | 268 lines |
- *RegCleaner LanguagePack*
- *RG Version : 4.3*
- // Lines starting with '//' are comments, they can be
- // changed and they don't do anything.
- // You can't however change anything that starts with *.íú
- // - marks are optional and they don't do anything.
- // Please send me the translation you have done to jv16@vtoy.fi
- // And please, do not compress it with any program (like WinZip), just
- // send it as attachment the way it is. That way I can add it to the official
- // package with a one click. Also, do not translate any other file, like
- // the readme, I can┤t distribute them.
- // (You don┤t need to translate these instructional lines)
- *Language* //╙∩╤╘├√│╞╟δ╙├╙ó╬─├ⁿ├√
- Chinese GB
- *LangPack Author* //╘┌╧┬╥╗╨╨╨┤╧┬─π╡─├√╫╓
- ╨╗╛ⁿ xiejun@2911.net
- *The File menu*
- ╬─╝■
- -┴φ┤µ╬¬ txt ╬─╝■
- -═╦│÷
- *The Select menu*
- ╤í╘±
- -ȫѡ
- -╬▐
- -╖┤╤í
- -▒Ω╝╟╤í╓╨╧ε─┐
- -╕▀┴┴╧╘╩╛╥╤▒Ω╝╟╡─╨╨
- *The Options menu*
- ╤í╧ε
- -▓╬╩²╔Φ╓├
- --╤╒╔½
- ---╕─▒Σ
- ---─¼╚╧╓╡
- --╖╓└╕┐φ╢╚
- ---╫╘╢»╡≈╒√
- ---╩╓╢»╡≈╒√
- --▒Ω╝╟╬¬╛╔╡─
- ---╫╘╢»
- ---╩╓╢»
- --═╝╨╬╙├╗º╜τ├µ
- ---╧╘╩╛║ß╕±
- ---╣÷╢»╠⌡╞╜├µ╗»
- ---├ⁿ┴ε╨╨├µ░σ
- -╟σ└φ╫ó▓ß▒φ
- --╖╜╖¿
- ---╫╘╢»
- ---╩╓╢»
- --▒╕╖▌
- ---▓╗┤┤╜¿╚╬║╬▒╕╖▌
- ---╜÷┤┤╜¿╥╗╕÷▒╕╖▌╬─╝■
- --OLE ╟σ└φ╞≈
- ---╒²│ú
- ---╟┐┴ª
- --╧╘╩╛═│╝╞╨┼╧ó
- --║÷┬╘┴╨▒φ...
- -╨╢╘╪▓╦╡Ñ
- --╧╘╩╛╦∙╙╨╚φ╝■
- --╜÷╧╘╩╛╥■▓╪╡─╚φ╝■
- --▓╗╧╘╩╛╥■▓╪╡─╚φ╝■
- -╙∩╤╘
- --╤í╘±╙∩╤╘
- --▒α╝¡╡▒╟░╙∩╤╘╬─╝■
- -░▓╫░╙δ╨╢╘╪
- --░▓╫░┐∞╜▌╖╜╩╜
- --╨╢╘╪ RegCleaner
- *The Tools Menu*
- ╣ñ╛▀
- -OCX ╣ñ╛▀
- -▓Θ┐┤ OCX ╠⌡─┐
- --╫¬╗╗ ProgID ╡╜ CLSID
- --╫¬╗╗ CLSID ╡╜ ProgID
- -╟σ└φ╫ó▓ß▒φ
- --OLE ╟σ└φ╞≈
- --╣┬┴ó╡─╬─╝■╦≈╥²▓Θ╒╥╞≈
- --╫╘╢»╟σ└φ╫ó▓ß▒φ
- --╚½▓┐╓┤╨╨
- -▓Θ┐┤╧╡═│ DLL ╬─╝■
- -▓Θ┐┤ DLL ╬─╝■...
- -▓Θ┐┤╣▓╧φ DLL ╬─╝■
- -╓╪╜¿╫ó▓ß▒φ
- -╗╓╕┤╙▓╝■┼Σ╓├
- -╨▐╕─ ▓Θ╒╥ ▓╦╡Ñ
- -╨▐╕─ ┤≥┐¬ ▓╦╡Ñ
- -╘╦╨╨ Regedit
- *The Search feature*
- ▓Θ╒╥
- ╩Σ╚δ╥¬▓Θ╒╥╡─╬─╫╓
- ╕▀┴┴╧╘╩╛╒╥╡╜╡─╧ε─┐
- ▒Ω╝╟╒╥╡╜╡─╧ε─┐
- *The Help menu*
- ░∩╓·
- -╫╘╩÷╬─╝■
- -╖├╬╩ RegCleaner ╓≈╥│
- -╣╪╙┌ RegCleaner
- *Main Buttons*
- ▒Ω╝╟╬¬╛╔╡─
- ╗╓╕┤▒╕╖▌
- ╨╢╘╪
- ╔╛│²╤í╓╨╡─╧ε─┐
- ═╦│÷
- ╩╣╙├╝╟╩┬▒╛▓Θ┐┤
- ║╧▓ó
- ╓╪├ⁿ├√
- ╨┬╜¿
- *Main Tabs*
- ╚φ╝■
- ╞⌠╢»┴╨▒φ
- ╨╢╘╪▓╦╡Ñ
- ╬─╝■└α╨═
- ╨┬╜¿╬─╝■
- ═Γ┐╟└⌐╒╣
- ▒╕╖▌
- *Tab Captions* //╫ó╥Γ: ╒Γ╨⌐▒Ω╠Γ╬▐╥╗╩╟╧α═¼╡─!
- ╘┌╫ó▓ß▒φ╡╟╝╟╡─╚φ╝■. ─π┐╔╥╘╔╛│²├┐╥╗╕÷─π╚╖╨┼▓╗╘┘╩╣╙├╡─│╠╨≥╧ε─┐
- ╘┌╝╞╦π╗·╞⌠╢»╩▒╘╪╚δ╡─│╠╨≥. ╟δ╩╘╫┼╛í┴┐╝⌡╔┘┤╦└╕╩²─┐
- Windows ╡─╨╢╘╪▓╦╡Ñ. ─π┐╔╥╘╩╣╙├│╠╨≥▒╛╔φ╡─╨╢╘╪│╠╨≥╗≥┤╙┤╦└╕╓╨╔╛│²│╠╨≥
- ╘┌╫ó▓ß▒φ╓╨╡╟╝╟╡─╬─╝■└α╨═. ╧ε─┐─┌╧╘╩╛ 'N/A' ╝┤┐╔░▓╚½╔╛│²
- ╩≤▒Ω╙╥╝ⁿ▓╦╡Ñ╓╨─▄╣╗╨┬╜¿╡─╬─╝■└α╨═. ╨Φ╥¬╡─╗░─π┐╔╥╘╔╛│²╞Σ╓╨╚╬║╬╠⌡─┐
- ▓╗═¼╬─╝■└α╨═╡─╫╩╘┤╣▄└φ╞≈═Γ┐╟└⌐╒╣╠⌡─┐. ╨Φ╥¬╡─╗░─π┐╔╥╘╔╛│²╞Σ╓╨╚╬║╬╠⌡─┐
- ╜½▒╗░▓╚½╔╛│²╡─╣▓╧φ DLLs ║═╞Σ╦√╣▓╧φ╬─╝■ (╬─╝■║═╫ó▓ß▒φ╨┼╧ó╜½═¼╩▒▒╗╔╛│²)
- ╒╥╡╜╡─ DLL ╧╡═│╬─╝■. ─π┐╔╥╘╔╛│²╦∙╙╨─π╓¬╡└╡─╬▐╙├ DLL╬─╝■
- ╡▒╟░▒╕╖▌
- OCX ╠⌡─┐╤░╒╥
- ProgID -> CLSID ╫¬╗╗
- CLSID -> ProgID ╫¬╗╗
- ╒Γ╨⌐╧ε─┐╘┌ ┐¬╩╝->▓Θ╒╥ ▓╦╡Ñ╓╨, ─π┐╔╥╘╔╛│²▓╗╨Φ╥¬╡─╧ε─┐
- ╚τ╣√─π╩╘═╝┤≥┐¬╥╗╕÷╬┤╓¬└α╨═╡─╬─╝■, Windows ╜¿╥Θ╩╣╙├╒Γ╨⌐│╠╨≥
- *Misc*
- ╒²╘┌╣ñ╫≈, ╟δ╔╘║≥...
- ╒²╘┌┤┤╜¿┴╨▒φ, ╟δ╔╘║≥...
- ╬┤╓¬╡─
- RegCleaner ╙∩╤╘░ⁿ
- ╫ó▓ß▒φ
- N/A
- ┐¬╩╝▓╦╡Ñ
- ╦∙╙╨╬─╝■
- ─┐┬╝
- ╓≈╥│:
- ╬─▒╛╬─╝■
- ╤í╓╨ //╒Γ┴╜╨╨╩╟╜⌠╜╙╘┌╥╗╞≡╡─, └²╚τ: ╤í╓╨ 23 ╕÷, ╣▓ 90╕÷
- ╣▓
- ╕▀╝╢╨┼╧ó
- ╚τ╣√─π╤í╘±╔╛│²╒Γ╨⌐╧ε─┐, ▒╛╠⌡╒Γ╨⌐╣╪╝ⁿ╫╓╜½▒╗╔╛│²
- ╚τ╣√─π╤í╘±╔╛│²╒Γ╨⌐╧ε─┐, ▒╛╠⌡╒Γ╕÷╣╪╝ⁿ╫╓╜½▒╗╔╛│²
- ─π╥╤╛¡╤í╘±┴╦╔╛│²╦∙╙╨╢└┴ó╡─╧ε─┐. ─π═Ω╚½╚╖╨┼─π╘┌╓┤╨╨╩▓├┤▓┘╫≈┬≡?
- ╩Σ╚δ CLSID
- ╩Σ╚δ ProgID
- ProgID
- ╕┤╓╞╡╜╝⌠╠∙░σ
- ┐¬╩╝▓╦╡Ñ (═¿╙├╙├╗º)
- ╓╪╜¿╫ó▓ß▒φ
- ╩Σ╚δ╞⌠╢» RegCleaner ╦∙╨Φ╡─├▄┬δ
- ╟δ╩Σ╚δ─π╡─├▄┬δ
- *Wizzard*
- ┤┤╜¿╥╗╕÷╨┬╡─╫ó▓ß▒φ╧ε─┐
- ╨▐╕─╥╗╕÷╫ó▓ß▒φ╧ε─┐
- ╧┬╥╗▓╜
- ═Ω│╔
- ╚í╧√
- // ╚╖╚╧░ⁿ║¼í░:í▒▒Ω╝╟íú
- // ╫ó╥Γ: ╡┌╥╗╨╨ ("These entries...") ▓╗─▄░ⁿ║¼╢║║┼ (,)!
- *The Registry Cleanup*
- ╒╥╡╜╡─╒Γ╨⌐╧ε─┐╩╟├╗╙├╡─▓ó╟╥╦ⁿ├╟┐╔▒╗░▓╚½╔╛│²
- ╥╤╖╓╬÷╡─╓╡:
- ╥╤╖╓╬÷╡─╣╪╝ⁿ╫╓:
- ╬▐╨º╡─╠⌡─┐:
- ╥╤║÷┬╘╡─╠⌡─┐:
- ╧▀│╠:
- ╒²╘┌╟σ└φ╫ó▓ß▒φ...
- ╒²╘┌╖╓╬÷╫ó▓ß▒φ...
- ═Ω│╔
- ╕∙
- ╝ⁿ╓╡
- ╠⌡─┐├√│╞
- ╓╡
- ╟σ└φ╫ó▓ß▒φ╥╤╛¡═Ω│╔
- ╘▌═ú
- ╓╪╨┬┐¬╩╝
- ╓╨╓╣
- ╣╪▒╒
- *Columns*
- ╫≈╒▀
- ╚φ╝■
- ─Ω┤·
- │╠╨≥
- ╬─╝■├√│╞
- ╘╪╚δ╙┌
- ╚φ╝■
- └⌐╒╣├√
- ├Φ╩÷
- └⌐╒╣├√
- ├Φ╩÷
- └⌐╒╣├√
- ├ⁿ┴ε
- │╠╨≥
- ╬─╝■├√│╞
- ┬╖╛╢
- ▒╕╖▌└α╨═
- ├Φ╩÷
- ╚╒╞┌
- ╩▒╝Σ
- ╫ε╜ⁿ╡─╨▐╕─
- ╫ε╜ⁿ╡─╖├╬╩
- ╦╤╦≈...
- *Age*
- ╛╔╡─
- ╨┬╡─
- *Backups*
- ╗╓╕┤▒╕╖▌
- ╗╓╕┤╢α╕÷▒╕╖▌
- ╣▓╧φ DLL
- ═Γ┐╟└⌐╒╣
- ╫╘╢»╟σ└φ╠⌡─┐
- ╩╓╢»╟σ└φ╠⌡─┐
- ╨┬╬─╝■
- ╬─╝■└α╨═
- ╨╢╘╪▓╦╡Ñ╧ε─┐
- ╞⌠╢»▓╦╡Ñ╧ε─┐
- ╫ó▓ß▒φ╠⌡─┐
- ╫╘╢»╟σ└φ╠⌡─┐
- ╩╓╢»╟σ└φ╠⌡─┐
- ╩Σ╚δ╕├▒╕╖▌╡─╨┬├√│╞
- DLL ╬─╝■
- ─π┐╔╥╘║╧▓ó
- ╥╤║╧▓ó╡─▒╕╖▌
- OCX ╫ó▓ß▒φ╠⌡─┐
- ▓Θ╒╥▓╦╡Ñ╧ε─┐
- ┤≥┐¬▓╦╡Ñ╧ε─┐
- *Ignore List* //╒Γ╬σ╨╨╩╟╘┌═¼╥╗╕÷╢╘╗░┐≥╓╨╡─íú╨┼╧ó╡─│ñ╢╚▒╪╨Φ╩╟╬σ╨╨íú
- ╟σ└φ╫ó▓ß▒φ╩▒║÷┬╘┴╨▒φ
- ╒Γ╕÷┴╨▒φ╫÷╩▓├┤╙├─╪?
- ╚í╧√
- ╚╖╢¿
- ╚τ╣√─π╖ó╧╓╘┌╟σ└φ╫ó▓ß▒φ╓«║≤─π╢¬╩º
- ╥╗╨⌐│╠╨≥╡─╔Φ╓├╗≥╞Σ╦√╢½╬≈, ╟δ│ó╩╘╠φ╝╙│╠╨≥╡─
- ├√│╞╡╜┤╦┴╨▒φ. ┤╦║≤ RegCleaner ╜½║÷┬╘─╟╨⌐│╠╨≥╧ε─┐.
- ╚τ╣√─π─▄╣╗╕µ╦▀╬╥╒Γ╨⌐│÷╬╩╠Γ╡─│╠╨≥,╬╥╜½╗ß╖╟│ú╕▀╨╦.
- ╒Γ╕÷┴╨▒φ▓╗╟°╖╓┤≤╨í╨┤.
- *Error Messages*
- ┤φ╬≤! ▓┘╫≈╓╨╓╣
- ╢╘▓╗╞≡, ▒╛╣ª─▄╜÷─▄╙├╙┌ Win9x, ▓╗─▄╙├╙┌╚╬║╬ NT ║╦╨─╡─▓┘╫≈╧╡═│
- ╢╘▓╗╞≡, ▒╛╣ª─▄╜÷─▄╙├╙┌ Windows 2000
- ╟δ╓╪╨┬╞⌠╢»─π╡─╝╞╦π╗·
- ▒╛╣ª─▄╜½╓╪╓├ Windows ╡─╙▓╝■┼Σ╓├ú¼─π╚╖╢¿╥¬╒Γ╤∙╫÷┬≡ú┐
- ╩²╛▌▒╗╛▄╛°ú¼├▄┬δ┤φ╬≤